Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lots of things

We have enjoyed a baby being born, a birthday party, snow and picture session in the last few days.  Callie Grace and Caleb spent the night with their Mimi and Papa.  They enjoyed their time with their grandparents.  I was able to get Callie Grace's chest of drawers and closet completely cleaned out.  Next up is Caleb's closet and the laundry room.  It never ends but I really enjoy the feeling of accomplishment as I am able to check my to do's off the list!

A picture of a picture - Rylan and Callie Grace at Rylan's 4th birthday party

CG after church on Sunday

Caleb did not want his picture taken.

CG took this picture of me.

CG took this picture of her daddy.

A very special someone was born on Friday, January 7th.  He is the son of our friends Lori and Gerald. 

Welcome to the world baby Aiden!
8 pounds, 14 ounces
20 inches long

My beautiful girl

My handsome boy

Love these two so much!

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