Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Fling

We enjoyed the Spring Fling at Callie Grace's school last night. Callie Grace got her picture made with Ariel, nails painted and a tattoo.  Caleb jumped and jumped (and jumped) in bouncy castles, threw the ball for the dunking booth 2 times (knocked the person in the water both times) and went on a hayride.  Kip and I had to divide and conquer to make all of this occur.  I really think the kids had a fun night.  They were sticky and filthy when it was time to leave!  That is the sign of a good time, right?  We came home, ate dinner, tooks baths and went straight to bed.  Guess who we ran in to at the Spring Fling?  I'll give you a hint...

Good old Cocky!

Look at those dirty feet - yuck!

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