Sunday, April 1, 2012

Aly and Rion

Our cousins, Aly and Rion turn 10 today.  They had a party yesterday afternoon.  Callie Grace and Caleb love Bradyn, Aly and Rion.  Our Crosson would have been 9 on April 12th.  It always tugs at my heart to see my children with Rion. I can't help but make comparisons.  Rion has beautiful red hair and Crosson had beautiful red hair.  They are just a year apart in age. Caleb adores Rion and I know that he would have adored his big brother.  Rion is such a bright and loving child.  I know I am bias but I think Crosson would have been the same.

I am so thankful that we get to be with these sweet children a good bit (we all go to church together also).  Happy 10th birthday, Aly and Rion!

Caleb and Rion

CG, Rion and Caleb

CG and Aly

CG and Bradyn

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