Thursday, April 12, 2012


Dear baby,

It is your 9th birthday in heaven.  I can only imagine the party Jesus is having for you.  I am just plain sad that we can't spend this day with you but always know that you will forever be in our hearts.  We love you more than words could ever express my beautiful red headed boy.  I feel the overwhelming need to put into words what this day feels like, more for myself than anyone else but unfortunately there really aren't any words that can do the job.  Today represents the worst type of heartache but I rest in the knowledge that one day, I will able to put my arms around you and give you lots of hugs and kisses.  What a happy day that will be!  Until then, I know that you are getting so much attention and love from your grandparents and many others that love you so.

I love you,

"I think people who say "time heals all wounds" must not have buried a child. Only Jesus heals wounds, and time passed is bittersweet. We are farther from our earthly life with them, and closer to our eternal life with them - but for now, we have neither."

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