Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Fling

We enjoyed the Spring Fling at Callie Grace's school last night. Callie Grace got her picture made with Ariel, nails painted and a tattoo.  Caleb jumped and jumped (and jumped) in bouncy castles, threw the ball for the dunking booth 2 times (knocked the person in the water both times) and went on a hayride.  Kip and I had to divide and conquer to make all of this occur.  I really think the kids had a fun night.  They were sticky and filthy when it was time to leave!  That is the sign of a good time, right?  We came home, ate dinner, tooks baths and went straight to bed.  Guess who we ran in to at the Spring Fling?  I'll give you a hint...

Good old Cocky!

Look at those dirty feet - yuck!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What we've been up to...

I haven't blogged as much as I normally do over the past few weeks.  There has been so much going on that the blog has taken a back burner to other more pressing issues.  I am working hard to move forward and bring the focus back to my family.  Since this blog is our scrapbook of sorts, I need to get busy posting pictures and sharing little tidbits of our life.

So... here we go.  A few weeks ago, we celebrated my "much older" brother's birthday.

My sister and nephew, Benjamin at the birthday dinner.
We went to Charleston for a few days.  We really enjoyed getting to spend time with old friends.  It was wonderful seeing all of our children play together and get along so well.  I think there was something like 10 children.  Our kids got in the freezing ocean while in Charleston.  I love the picture that I got of them holding hands.

Durham and Callie Grace


Last night, at the PTA meeting the kindergarteners put on a nursery rhyme performance.  They got to wear their pjs while performing.  Here is Callie Grace with a special friend named Jackson.

This morning, I got to have a date with my boy at his Muffins for Moms breakfast.  Here he is with his best girl, Rileigh.

Through all of the challenges that these past few days have presented, it is so nice to see that a lot of good has happened also.  Sometimes I just have to open my eyes to see them!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Callie Grace and Caleb were baptized yesterday along with two of their cousins.  We had a spaghetti luncheon afterwards in the fellowship hall.  Pastor Alex couldn't stay for the meal but he came and prayed with us before we ate.  My pictures aren't the best but my sister got some good shots.  I hope I will get those soon - hint, hint.

 The last baptism that our immediate family had was when Crosson and Kip were baptized. Kip wanted to bring one of the seashells that we have with Crosson's footprints to the church but decided that may be a little too emotional for us.  Crosson was definitely with us in spirit.  I know that he is proud of his little sister and brother.  We sure are!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Dear baby,

It is your 9th birthday in heaven.  I can only imagine the party Jesus is having for you.  I am just plain sad that we can't spend this day with you but always know that you will forever be in our hearts.  We love you more than words could ever express my beautiful red headed boy.  I feel the overwhelming need to put into words what this day feels like, more for myself than anyone else but unfortunately there really aren't any words that can do the job.  Today represents the worst type of heartache but I rest in the knowledge that one day, I will able to put my arms around you and give you lots of hugs and kisses.  What a happy day that will be!  Until then, I know that you are getting so much attention and love from your grandparents and many others that love you so.

I love you,

"I think people who say "time heals all wounds" must not have buried a child. Only Jesus heals wounds, and time passed is bittersweet. We are farther from our earthly life with them, and closer to our eternal life with them - but for now, we have neither."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Egg Hunts

I was able to be a part of Caleb's Easter party and egg hunt on Wednesday.  I was not able to go to Callie Grace's on Thursday but a sweet mama emailed me some pictures of them starting off on the egg hunt.  Apparently, they ran off like excited 5 and 6 year olds at the sound of the whistle! :)

my silly boy

Caleb and his favorite girl.

Can you see my girl?  2nd girl on the left

Look how excited she was!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Moira Claire

My sweet niece was baptized today.  It brough tears to many of our eyes to see that sweet girl standing in front of the church getting baptized.  When in the world did this girl get to be 8 years old?   It honestly feels like she was just born.  I didn't get any pictures inside of the sactuary but I did get some afterwards at the egg hunt.

Caleb, Moira and Callie Grace

boy cousins minus baby Andrew
hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil (hehehe)

Aunt de with her nieces, Callie Grace and Moira

Aly and Rion

Our cousins, Aly and Rion turn 10 today.  They had a party yesterday afternoon.  Callie Grace and Caleb love Bradyn, Aly and Rion.  Our Crosson would have been 9 on April 12th.  It always tugs at my heart to see my children with Rion. I can't help but make comparisons.  Rion has beautiful red hair and Crosson had beautiful red hair.  They are just a year apart in age. Caleb adores Rion and I know that he would have adored his big brother.  Rion is such a bright and loving child.  I know I am bias but I think Crosson would have been the same.

I am so thankful that we get to be with these sweet children a good bit (we all go to church together also).  Happy 10th birthday, Aly and Rion!

Caleb and Rion

CG, Rion and Caleb

CG and Aly

CG and Bradyn

Peter Pan

Friday night, Jamie and I took our girls to see Peter Pan at the Town Theatre.  They really enjoyed it!  Kip and Caleb went fishing while we were at the play.  They caught 8 fish!  I wish Jam and I could do more together with our girls.  There just doesn't ever seem to be enough time.

Addison and Callie Grace

Ainsley, Callie Grace and Addison