Monday, April 4, 2011


We enjoyed having Joshua spend Friday night with us.  I didn't get a single picture but I can tell you that the children had a great time.  I believe every toy that we have ever owned was spread out throughout the house.  Joshua lost his 3rd tooth while spending the night.  The tooth fairy knew the way to our house.  Callie Grace and Caleb were in complete awe!

On Saturday, we went to CG and Caleb's twin cousins skating party.  My duo have never skated but we gave it a try.  They both loved it!  Kip had a prior commitment that day.  Many thanks to mimi for helping me watch my babies at the party.

Happy Birthday Aly!

Happy Birthday Rion!

My two enjoying the ice cream

Caleb having fun on the motorcycle

CG skating around the rink

CG and cousin Bradyn
Once Kip got home on Saturday afternoon, we went to the park.  It was a beautiful day!

Callie Grace brought her monkey along!

Caleb on another motorcycle - am I in trouble or what?!

The motorcycle lost its juice so daddy got a workout!

After church on Sunday, we had lunch at Miss Cindy's house.  We brought a birthday cake that my friend from work, Shannon made.  It tasted as good as it looks!

A few outside pictures while we were waiting to eat.  Kip practiced soccer with the kiddos.

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