Friday, April 22, 2011

Callie Grace's Easter Party

Wow - I am behind on blogging!  Callie Grace's Easter Party was last Friday.  I took the morning off from work so I could participate in all of the festivities.  Caleb dyed Easter eggs in class so I was able to join them for a little while also.

My beauty girl

Caleb and Mrs. Christina

Doing it all by himself!!

Silly Corbin and Callie Grace

Dahlia and Callie Grace

We enjoyed a nice weekend.  Callie Grace sang at Mimi's church Sunday morning and then we head over to our church for the service and egg hunt.  Busy but fun day!!

Since this picture, Caleb's hair has gotten scalped.  I am so sad.

"I don't like having my picture made mama!"

Pretty Moira

Rion and Callie Grace after the egg hunt

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