Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Soccer practice and Easter decorations

We had our 2nd soccer practice last night.  The children really seem to be enjoying their time on the field.  If nothing else, they are getting to be active which is great.  They both memorized their Psalms 31:3b memory verse for the week.  Go Callie Grace and Caleb!!  I didn't take many pictures last night.  It was a little tough with my ever active 3 year old.  He and Ashlyn did enjoy some fun time on the playground while their brother and sister had their practice.  I think a special friendship is forming with those two.

Caleb and Ashlyn in the wagon
Can you tell that it was a little sunny? 

After the practices with cousin Moira

Callie Grace has been quite upset with me that our only Easter decoration is the wreath on our front door.  So, she took matters into her own hands and decorated some paper eggs for me.  I decided to hang them on our light fixture in our little eating area.

The finished product!

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