Friday, April 29, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

We had more soccer practice fun yesterday.  Callie Grace is really enjoying soccer.  Caleb is really struggling.  Staying on the field is a foreign concept for our Caleb.  He always wants a drink or wants to go potty or just wants a break.  We are sticking with it and maybe next season will be better!

too cute!

such a mess - good thing I could eat him up is all I'm saying!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Gang, what are we going to see?"
"Hop", they all agreed!

They really enjoyed the movie.

and the popcorn!

Cutie pies!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend

We were blessed with lots of family time this weekend.  We went to my sister's house on Saturday for Easter brunch and an egg hunt!  The food was delicious and the fellowship was even better.

Having fun on the swing!

Aunt Patti and Callie Grace

Aunt Claire and Callie Grace

CG loves James!

Courtney and Andrew (Andrew's 1st Easter!)

The children played and played and played!  CG loved her Easter eggs.  She said there was no way that she was taking a nap.  I told her that she had to lay down for a little bit even if she didn't go to sleep.  Five minutes later, I found this...

Sacked out!

The Easter bunny visited our house!

The children enjoyed flowering the cross and church.  They also sang "This is the Day" at the beginning of the service.  It took a few minutes for the choir director to get all of the children situated.  Caleb said in a loud voice "START!" right before they began to sing.  Everyone snickered.  Leave it to Caleb...

Caleb waiting to put his flowers on the cross

The beautiful cross!

The best I could do.  Why is it so difficult to get a good picture of my two children?!?!

CGB opening her loot at Mimi's house!

So Sweet!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Callie Grace's Easter Party

Wow - I am behind on blogging!  Callie Grace's Easter Party was last Friday.  I took the morning off from work so I could participate in all of the festivities.  Caleb dyed Easter eggs in class so I was able to join them for a little while also.

My beauty girl

Caleb and Mrs. Christina

Doing it all by himself!!

Silly Corbin and Callie Grace

Dahlia and Callie Grace

We enjoyed a nice weekend.  Callie Grace sang at Mimi's church Sunday morning and then we head over to our church for the service and egg hunt.  Busy but fun day!!

Since this picture, Caleb's hair has gotten scalped.  I am so sad.

"I don't like having my picture made mama!"

Pretty Moira

Rion and Callie Grace after the egg hunt

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Disney on Ice

Our family went to Disney on Ice last Thursday night.  The children had a lot of fun.  Caleb kept asking when Buzz and Woody were coming out.  They didn't come out until the end!  Callie Grace was just mesmerized!

So excited!

The two look alikes!

I think Mickey and Minnie popped out of this thing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

School Easter Party - Take 1

Caleb had a ball at his school egg hunt and Easter party.  He really wasn't in to his mama taking pictures though.  Lots of mamas attended this party which was nice.

my baby

This plate was filled over and over and over!

my good eater!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 12, 2011

Crosson's 8th birthday...

We went out to the cemetery to take Crosson some flowers, a card and a balloon.  Callie Grace insisted on attaching the letter to his balloon so Crosson could read it.
Crosson's birthday balloon

Crosson's beautiful birthday card

watching the balloon fly up to heaven

Happy Birthday sweet Crosson.  We love you.

"Dear Jesus, please sing a lullaby to my baby I'll never hear cry.  Who will never lie close to my chest.  Gently cradle and give him rest."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had another busy weekend...

Friday evening, we went to our cousin, Tyler's 5th birthday party at Chucke Cheese.  This was Callie Grace and Caleb's 2nd visit to Chucke Cheese.  They love it.  All of the cousins were dancing around as the characters were singing.
Barney and Caleb

Tyler - the birthday boy

his cute cake

Benjamin riding the horse

CG and Caleb love this thing!

These two love each other so much!

Caleb spent the night with Moira on Friday night.  Callie Grace and I took a trip to Wally World.  My, the things you can see at good old Wally World.  (I'll leave it at that!)

Saturday morning greeted us all too early.  Saturday was game day for Callie Grace and Caleb and their daddy.  I was the crazy woman trying to keep my children contained.  There were a few times that I thought I might lose it with my children's attitudes but I hung in there!

Coach Kip, Coach Pat and the 4 soccer players!

Then, we headed over to the park to wish Uncle James a happy birthday complete with Zesto's chicken!

The birthday boy

Birthday gang

My sissy, Courtney and Andrew

Brooks and Andrew

After 2 soccer games, lunch and playtime in the HEAT, this is how we all felt...

DONE! :)

We were able to go home and get a bath and have rest time.  After that, we got to keep this little cutie...

We enjoyed church on Sunday.

And we were able to honor Crosson's life by placing flowers in our church...

All in all, we had a nice weekend!