Friday, December 28, 2012


We had had a fun and busy month.  I simply have not posted a thing and that makes me sad!  Both children were in a church Christmas performance and did great!  We went to the Nutcracker with Mimi, volunteered at both children's schools, had pictures made, saw a slew of lights, celebrated with friends and family and remembered the reason for the season.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!

my babies with Santa
Mary and Joseph

                                                   Aunt de and CG decorating Christmas cookies

                                                  CG and Jackson at Monkey Joe's
                                          Putting out cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas Eve
                                              Mimi made a beautiful Happy Birthday, Jesus cake.
                                  showing the new earrings and necklace that Mrs. Linda gave her
                                                                         playing Fibber

There is so much thankfulness in my heart.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are celebrating thanksgiving a little differently this year.  The four of us came to the beach this morning for a long weekend.  Kip cooked a turkey last night, I made mac and cheese and we warmed up corn and green beans.  We put all of this in a picnic basket, walked down to the beach and had a picnic today.  We had fun and made a special memory for our kiddos.  They said several times that they were having a great time.

My heart is incredibly full today reflecting on all the many things that I have to give thanks for.  I am thankful for Kip, Callie Grace and Caleb.  I am thankful for a roof over our heads, cars that work, food in our refrigerator, friends that are truly family, our families and my job even though it can be trying at times.  I am thankful for our church and little people hugs and kisses that can wipe away the stresses of the day.

I am thankful for my precious Crosson who changed my life and gave me a new title, one that means more to me than any other title in the world, Mama.  Oh how I miss that sweet boy today and always.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pilgrim girl and first fire of the season

Callie Grace celebrated Thanksgiving at school today.  I went by at her lunch time to bring pilgrim hat cookies.  She looked like a cutie!

Kip made our first fire of the season tonight!  Our babies loved getting warm by it!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Panther Roar

Callie Grace had her first awards ceremony at school today.  She made all E's and had perfect attendance for the first nine weeks.  Great job, Callie Grace!  Keep up the good work.  We love you!

photo taken by my bff - Mrs. Allen

Monday, October 29, 2012

What we've been up to...

We enjoyed the halloween party at our church last Wednesday night.

On Thursday, Caleb and daddy went on Caleb's field trip to the pumpkin patch.
Caleb and Rileigh

On Friday night, we went to Jackson's halloween party and hayride.
We saw Emma there!

We enjoyed church on Sunday.  The children's choir sat in the choir loft and sang a song.  We were proud of Callie Grace!

Sunday night, Callie Grace, Caleb and I made pumpkin muffins.  I only took a picture of our finished product.

We had a fun weekend together as a family.  This week, we get my niece for 4 nights.  Callie Grace and Caleb can't wait!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My mama

In many ways, my mama helped make me into who I am today.  I see so much of her in me.  I miss her so badly, especially on days like today.  It is incredibly hard to believe that she has been gone from my life for 15 years today.  I wish she had the opportunity to meet Callie Grace and Caleb and vice versa.  They both know about Grandma Hammerment and talk about her.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that she is loving on my Crosson.

My heart feels sad today.  I want to be able to focus on all that we shared but today I am just plain sad. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hanging with Hoppy

Caleb tells everyone he meets that he is "in the Froggy Fours now".  So, it was no surprise that he loved introducing Hoppy to each person that we came in contact with this weekend.  Hoppy was one well loved frog this weekend!

We enjoyed lunch at Rushs on Friday. Ms. Cathy, our special friend joined us!

We went to the grocery store on Friday afternoon.  Hoppy loved riding in the grocery cart.

We went to the playground on Saturday.  Hoppy enjoyed going down the slide over and over again!

We went to church on Sunday.  Caleb wanted to get a quick picture with his buddy.

Hoppy got to go in the car wash with us.  Thank goodness our windows were up! :)

We stopped by Little Caesars for one of Caleb's favorite lunches.  Caleb wanted a picture to be taken by Cocky!

Thank you, Hoppy for hanging out with us this weekend.  Come back soon!

Love, the Burgess Family

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween at Mama Helen's

We enjoyed celebrating Halloween with Mama Helen last night.  The children had "the best time ever".  There were so many fun things for the children to do.  Mimi made the children's costumes again this year and I think she did a great job.  As Caleb says, "he stole the show last night".  I didn't get one picture of Mama Helen which I am sad about.  We were so busy running after our kids, that I forgot to get one!

Meet Cinderella and her glass slippers.

The Tin Man

                                     They both won a piece of cake from the cake walk!

                            Sweet baby Henry as Mickey Mouse.  We all could just eat him up!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A treat

A sweet lady from work gave me some free frosty coupons for Wendy's the other day.  I took the children by there after church last night.  They loved the special treat!

Monday, September 24, 2012

This and That

We have been having some challenging days as far as behavior is concerned.  My patience definitely has not been where I would like for it to be.  We have had some really good moments also and I want to focus on those.  Callie Grace memorized Isaiah 9:6.  Caleb memorized Proverbs 3:5.  I am learning scripture right along with them.  They are inspiring me!  They helped make a care package for the soldiers at church and have talked about it so much.  They are learning the music for their church Christmas performance.  I love hearing them sing about Jesus.

Last night, Callie Grace asked us what we thought Crosson was doing.  I asked her what she thought he was doing.  She said, "looking after me and thinking his little brother is a monkey".  Kip told me that Caleb was waving hi to Crosson the other day on the way to school.  I am incredibly thankful for their tender hearts.  We sure do miss Crosson but I know he is looking after us.

We went to Edventure on Saturday with the rest of Columbia.  I have NEVER seen it so packed.  They had a ball.

CG and I went to see Goodnight Moon on Friday night with some little girlfriends.  I really enjoyed it also!

I love this picture that I took the other day of Caleb with our fish on a string named Goldie!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Caleb's birthday continued...

I was able to take my lunch to go have snack with Caleb yesterday.  He and mimi made and decorated cupcakes.  I brought strawberries, juice boxes and little blowy things for each child.  His teacher provided the goldfish.  Caleb was so sweet when I got to his classroom.  He told everyone to tell his mama hi and when I left he told everyone to tell his mama bye.

When daddy got home yesterday afternoon, Caleb requested Chuck E. Cheese.  We went and played some games for a while.  Since Caleb was the birthday boy, he got 20 free tokens.  We ended up only spending $5 there.  Hallelujah!  The kids had a great time and CG played a game where she won 100 tickets.  She split it right down the middle with her brother.  That's called a miracle, folks!

I think Caleb had a fun day turning 5.  We sure had fun celebrating him!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Whole Hand!

Today, my precious boy, you are 5!  You woke up this morning with a happy heart.  Lots of thank you's and kisses and hugs.  I am praying for you to have a wonderful year being 5.  We love you so much, Caleb!

This was in my inbox first thing this morning.  Wow, what a great reminder at any time but especially on this day.  Thank you, Abraham Lincoln!

"There is only one way to bring up a child in the way he should go and that is to travel that way yourself."
Abraham Lincoln

playing his new DS game first thing this morning

Sunday, September 9, 2012


While daddy was away watching the gamecocks play, we went to the zoo!  A lot of other people had the same idea and it was quite warm but we had fun.  It also helped pass the time until the children could see daddy again.  We did manage to get a few pictures along the way.

checking out the map

waiting on the tram

feeding the fish