Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hanging with Hoppy

Caleb tells everyone he meets that he is "in the Froggy Fours now".  So, it was no surprise that he loved introducing Hoppy to each person that we came in contact with this weekend.  Hoppy was one well loved frog this weekend!

We enjoyed lunch at Rushs on Friday. Ms. Cathy, our special friend joined us!

We went to the grocery store on Friday afternoon.  Hoppy loved riding in the grocery cart.

We went to the playground on Saturday.  Hoppy enjoyed going down the slide over and over again!

We went to church on Sunday.  Caleb wanted to get a quick picture with his buddy.

Hoppy got to go in the car wash with us.  Thank goodness our windows were up! :)

We stopped by Little Caesars for one of Caleb's favorite lunches.  Caleb wanted a picture to be taken by Cocky!

Thank you, Hoppy for hanging out with us this weekend.  Come back soon!

Love, the Burgess Family

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