Monday, August 15, 2011

What a week...

What a week we have in store for us!

Tuesday night - Teacher Meet and Greet, 6pm
Wednesday - CG goes to school from 8-10:15am (Parent meeting 8-8:15am)
Thursday - the BIGGG day
Friday -  my sister's belated birthday dinner at my brother's house

My friend, Jamie teaches at the school that Callie Grace will be attending.  I know that I am driving her crazy with all of my questions.  Her daughter, Ainsley took Callie Grace on a tour of the school on Saturday afternoon.  Callie Grace really enjoyed it and can't wait for her first day of school.

I, however feel all over the place with my emotions.  I am excited, emotional and just plain scared.  I am not letting CG know how I feel.  I want her to enjoy this momentous time in her life.  But, to be honest, I just want to hang on to my baby.  I want to shelter and protect her.  I guess this is all part of the growing up process. 

I have been praying for God's protection over her.  I pray that God will bless her with sweet friends and great teachers.  I pray that Callie Grace will be a good listener and eager to learn.  I pray that she will be a good friend to others.

A few pictures from the weekend...

We went to K-mart on Friday afternoon.  I let the children ride this dirty old carousel.  I remember riding the K-mart carousel when I was child so when they asked, I said sure... (no illness to report as of today!)

These two love each other sooo much!

After the tour on Saturday, Jamie treated the girls to ice cream at Chick-fil-A!

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