Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Library Fun

I attempt to take the children to the library every two weeks.  The entire drive to the library I talk about how we have to be quiet and no running.  Then, I quiz them on what we can and cannot do at the library.  With all of that being said, it is still a toss up as to how the library visit is going to go!!  I got a few pics of CG and Caleb while we were there - the one of CG's hands on her face cracks me up.  Caleb was saying CHEESE very loudly.  Callie Grace's expression is saying, "oh no - you're in major trouble!"  Overall, our visit was a success.  They both love for me to read to them.  I hope this love for reading continues the rest of their lives. 
It is so hard to get a smile from Caleb!  Most of his pics look like this!

Oh no!  Caleb is in big trouble for being so loud!
We survived the library and the library survived us.

Look - he's smiling!

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