Friday, October 14, 2011


Callie Grace climbed the rock wall for her first time yesterday!  Caleb has been doing it since he was 2 but CG is a very cautious little girl.  She loved climbing it and did it over and over and over! 

This picture cracks me up.  Caleb was sick of taking pictures.  This is his CHEESE MAMA! look.  I asked him to look at the camera.  This is the best he could give me.  I love this kid!
We generally let the children pick a place to go out to eat on Fridays for dinner.  We try to eat at home the other nights of the week.  Kip surprised the children last night by bringing home Little Caesar's pizza and 2 movies from the Red Box!  The children were so excited.  They started screaming and jumping up and down.  Kip was definitely the star parent of the night!

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