Monday, June 20, 2011


We enjoyed a quick trip to Charleston on Saturday.  For several years now, we have met up with Kip's friends from high school and their wives.  A very special thank you goes out to Joy Lynn and Pat for organizing this each year!!  The amount of children has definitely multiplied.  I tend to get a little nervous and uptight with how Callie Grace and Caleb may behave in certain situations.  Adding no naps and spending the night in a different house can cause a little stress on my part.  We stayed at the beach for 6 hours!  They did surprisingly well.  They didn't go to bed until 10pm.  When I was getting them in the bed, I asked them to say their prayers.  Callie Grace said, "I love you, Jesus" and was out.  Not one word came out of Caleb's mouth.  He was out like a light! :)

I did not get a single beach picture.  I did get lots of pictures at the fish fry party at Ray and Joy's house.  All of the children were precious and got along so well. 

My friend Lori asked our friend Shannon to make CG and Caleb a cake with a crab on it.  She brought it in to work on Friday so I decided to take it to Charleston.  The cake was super yummy!

Isn't it precious?!

All of the children were on the move so I missed snapping some of their pictures!  Joy went to the store to get some girl things for all of the girls to play with since she has 2 boys.  I thought that was very thoughful of her.  Callie Grace set up shop and painted each girls nails - including each of the mamas!

Painting Ella's nails

hard at work

painting Mrs. Joy's nails

 Bugsy LaRue

Can you telling he was screaming "CHEESE"?

Ryan, Anna and Caleb

Pretty girl

Cutie pie Ella
Handsome Luke

 Sweet girl Ashlyn

The plasma cars that Durham and Bryce have were a huge hit with the children.  I think they may be in our future!

Thank you to Joy Lynn and Pat and Joy and Ray.  What a fun time!

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