Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Both children had a special green snack at school to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!  Caleb's snack was on Wednesday (he goes to school MWF) and CG's was on Thursday.

Caleb's menu consisted of green jello, green mini cupcakes, green grapes and green drink.  They had green plates and napkins too.

Caleb's class

I was on a call at work and was a few minutes late to Callie Grace's party.  Her teacher told me that CG was worried about me.  That just broke my heart.  I always feel so torn.  I never want to miss anything in my children's lives and my work is so great about working with me so I can try to be at all the big things at their school.  I try to remind myself that I am helping provide a roof over their heads and food in their tummies but boy is it hard!

Callie Grace's menu consisted of green grapes, green cupcakes, green jello, chips and dip and green drink.  I told Kip last night that we may need to consider having Callie Grace enter a convent.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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