Monday, March 14, 2011


Callie Grace had her soccer assessment on Saturday morning.  Her cousins Moira and Joshua were there also.  CG, Caleb, Moira and Joshua had a lot of fun together!

Caleb, Moira, Joshua and Callie Grace
(such a pity that Caleb does not adore Moira)

Caleb was a little upset that he didn't get to "play soccer".  So, I gave him a snack and a juice box and all was right with the world...

my sweet monkey boy

After soccer, we went to the playground and to Kip's chili cook off.  The chili cook off had a live band.  Callie Grace had a BALL dancing and playing.  Caleb enjoyed eating the chili.  The babes had lots of fun and were very tired...

The End!

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