Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekend in Pictures

We had a fun weekend!  Friday night, we went to my brother's house for a pizza party.  The children had a ball together...

On Saturday, we went to the zoo.  The weather was SO nice and the animals were being really active.

This elephant gave us our own, personal show!!

CG in the tree

Look at Caleb's long legs - why is he getting so big?!

We then went to cousin Joshua's 6th birthday party.  He had a Scooby Doo party at my sister's house.  The weather was perfect and the children had an absolute ball!

The birthday boy!

CG and the birthday boy

Cabugs loves this horsey!

They LOVE Moira's DSI!


Scooby Doo Callie Grace

Scooby Doo Uncle James and Aunt de

The babes did not get a nap due to all of the activity.  They were dirty and tired by the time we got home.

Look what this boy did after bathtime...  He was running through the house like this!!

Kip took the below picture of them.  I had turned a movie on in our bedroom for them to watch before they went to bed.

Not a peep out of them - thank you Lord! :)

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