Friday, February 4, 2011

Little things

I feel like I have been so slack this week with the blog.  Work has been extremely busy with meetings and just trying to catch up.  Our evenings have been pretty full as well.  I am ready for things to slow down a bit.  Callie Grace, Caleb and I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon.  We had fun together.  Then, Kip, the babies and I went to dinner with Kip's dad.  Caleb made some bad choices at dinner.  Those choices made the ride home very unpleasant! 

We have a pretty full weekend planned.  CG and I are baby-sitting baby Aiden tonight.  Tomorrow morning, CG has a birthday party to attend and then both babies are spending the night with Aunt de.  Hallelujah!  I could do a little jig just thinking about it! :)

Pictures from the grocery store... I wonder if everyone thinks I am crazy taking pictures most every place that we go?  Don't answer that!:)

My handsome guy with a fresh haircut!
Callie Grace with her Lunchable (she loves them!)

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