Monday, February 28, 2011

Moira's birthday party

Saturday was a beautiful day for an outside party.  The turnout was great and the children had a ball!  Moira got lots of Tangled birthday gifts.

beautiful girl
CG insisted on dressing up as Cinderella

The Bugster

Caleb, Joshua and Benjamin

I took a picture of my babies before church on Sunday.  Caleb does not like to stand still for a picture!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Moira Claire's birthday

I can't believe it but somehow my niece turned 7 years old yesterday.  Our family celebrated at Zesto's.  Her birthday party is going to be on Saturday at the park.  Moira is such a special addition to our family.  She is  a very bright child.  She has an unbelievable imagination.  Moira can tell the best stories off the cuff.  We love you Moira.  Happy Birthday!!

Caleb saying cheese with a mouth full of cole slaw!! :)
Aunt de and Uncle James

birthday girl
Callie Grace

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Callie Grace's 100th day of school

Callie Grace celebrated her 100th day of school today.  She woke me up 2-3 times during the night to tell me how excited she was that it was the 100th day.  She cried when I left for work this morning because she wanted me to be a part of her special day.  So, I left work a little early to go pick her up from school.  When I arrived, the class was eating the cake that their teacher had made.  Mrs. Joyce made a cake in the shape of 100 with 100 m&m's on it.  CG reported that the cake was delicious!  Each child had to bring in 100 items for them to count.  Callie Grace brought in 100 jelly beans.

Here are a few pictures of CG with her friends...

More playground fun

Yesterday was another beautiful day!  Moira joined us at the playground.  The kids had the greatest time.  They had bananas for a snack.  We are just soaking up these nice days.

going down the slide together

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun at the Playground

We went to the playground yesterday afternoon.  The weather was so nice and the babes had so much energy!

Caleb loved the rock wall

no fear

Pinky the pig came along!

This girl ran several laps around the playground.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aunt Dora and Uncle Boree

While we were in Hawkinsville, we got to go see my aunt and uncle.  My uncle is my daddy's brother.  Unfortunately, we have not kept in touch well at all. My daddy passed away 25 years ago.  I believe it has been 6 years since I have seen Aunt Dora and Uncle Boree.

Saturday was the day for Callie Grace to get to meet her great aunt and uncle.  The visit could not have gone better.  Callie Grace fell in love with both of them and I think they felt the same way.  Uncle Boree told stories of my daddy and my grandmother to Callie Grace.  Callie Grace is named after my grandmother, Uncle Boree's mother.  Her name was Callie Mae.  I think it meant a lot to him to meet her namesake.

We met at the fish pond.  This is the pond where I caught my first fish when I was 4 years old with my daddy.  CG loved the pond.  There were no tears on this day which was amazing considering how emotional I can be.  The emotions ran deeper than tears.  It hurts me to the core that Callie Grace and Caleb will never know my daddy.  He was an amazing man.  He LOVED his family.  He had amazing faith.  He was a hard worker.  He was honest.  He loved to fish.  He loved to be with the apple of his eye.  I was the apple of his eye.  Hopefully, Callie Grace got a little glimpse of Grandpa Guy that sunny Saturday afternoon at the fish pond in Hawkinsville, Georgia.

Aunt Dora, Uncle Boree and Callie Grace
Uncle Boree and CG

Trip to Hawkinsville

Callie Grace and I went to my hometown of Hawkinsville, GA this past weekend.  My best friend, Christy's daughter was having her 4th birthday party.  The party was at a place called Jumpin Jax.  The kangaroo is the little mascot.  Isn't her cake precious?!

It was yummy too!
CGB in the party room enjoying pizza

singing Happy Birthday to Mer Mer
Jumpin Jax made a special visit - CGB loved him!
girl talk
a great time was had by all at the party

Mama Helen's 83rd birthday party

Mama Helen turned 83 on February 16th.  Miss Cindy and Miss Trudy had cake and ice cream for her at her assisted living facility.  It turned out really nice.  The children had a ball.  I think Mama Helen did too!

All of Mama Helen's grandchildren and great grandchildren except for Jennifer and Tony (and Crosson too)

Mama Helen and her girls

the cousins love each other so much

Cabugs loved the cake!

Mama Helen and Nikki

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Balloons are Everywhere!

Caleb and Callie Grace got into a bag of balloons 2 nights ago.  We now have about a dozen balloons in our house.  Who knew how much fun they can be?  And the static they can cause - oh the static in my girl's long hair!

This boy loves a balloon like no other!

Look at this cutie in braids... love it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Will you be my valentine?

Both babies really got into Valentine's Day this year.  We had so much fun.  They had Valentine parties at their school.  Caleb has eaten so much candy that it is crazy!  Callie Grace doesn't care for candy so she has been sharing with her brother.

my Valentine cuties

Miss Cindy made CG's dress.  Isn't it precious?!

Moira and Callie Grace
Caleb's Valentine party plate

my Valentine boy

Mimi and Caleb

Callie Grace's Valentine party plate

CG saying the blessing


Callie Grace and Dahlia

Friday, February 11, 2011

The many faces of Callie Grace

Callie Grace had a dr. appointment on Tuesday.  We had to wait for quite a while.  To help pass the time, I took many pictures of my silly girl...

She wanted to take a pic of her mama too!