Monday, May 25, 2015

SC State Museum

Today, we went to the SC State Museum.  We are so lucky to have such a nice museum that is so rich with history.  Caleb and Callie Grace loved the visit.  Caleb loved the one room school house and Callie Grace loved Rainbow Row.  She decided to model on the little bench in that area.

Our cousin, Rion joined us for this outing.  Rion is 13 and my children adore him.  Caleb listens to him pretty well which can be a miracle some days.  We went to Chick-fil-A after the museum visit and then swimming.  Callie Grace and I went to listen to the Palmetto Singers that night and they did an amazing job.

We enjoyed our day off from school and work and the time off has us ready for summer break!!

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