Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Around our house lately...

We have been learning to recognize coins.  This is HARD!  We are doing quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.  Caleb is picking up on it also!  Callie Grace never gets frustrated; she just keeps trying and trying.  She woke up early this morning and said she wanted to review the coins.  I hope she keeps up her love for learning forever.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We have been enjoying the summer.  The children have been going to bed later and not wanting to get up in the mornings!  We are trying to change that as Callie Grace starts kindergarten next month.  I am so excited for her but really weepy also.  My baby is starting kindergarten.  MY BABY IS STARTING KINDERGARTEN!  Can you believe it?  We have received the list of supplies that we need to purchase.  We are on the bookbag hunt and I want to get her some new outfits and some shoes!

I pray that her school experience will be a good one.  I just want the kids to love her and her teacher to love her.  I don't want her feelings to get hurt.  Tall order, huh?!  We love Callie Grace so much and think she is the most special 5 year old little girl ever.  This mothering thing seems to be getting harder and harder.  I have to let her go and learn things all on her own.  Dear Lord, please give me the strength that I need to do this.  And please give Callie Grace the strength to do her very best at school.  A whole new world is opening up for my baby girl.  I hope we enjoy every minute of the ride!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid

We finished up bible school at our church last night.  It was an incredible week.  I am exhausted!  All 4 of us attended VBS this year.  I was a tribe leader (Go Judah!) and Kip shadowed Caleb.  Caleb had his moments but did really well overall.  I want to put this one memory in print so I will never forget it...  All week long we have been talking about God Sightings and encouraging the children to share some God Sightings (such as the clouds, the grass, flowers, a hug, a kiss).  Our music minister was going around with the microphone last night asking some of the children about their God Sightings.  Well, he put the microphone in front of Caleb's face and I kind of froze.  You have to know my little guy but rest assured that I NEVER know what may come out of his mouth.  Caleb said, "I love my dad".  It made my eyes instantly fill up with tears.  I think it did his daddy's also. 

Caleb, we love you so much.  We share many challenging moments together but please, never ever forget how much your daddy and I love you.

I snapped a few pictures of VBS last night.  I didn't take any other pictures - bad mama!  I really lived in the moment this entire week.

CG dressed up in her outfit - compliments of Mimi

Caleb had already disrobed when this picture was taken.

Uncle James and Moira (my brother was a tribe leader also)

And, I believe this face says it all!  :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I saw this quote today and I love it!

  "Life is not the way it's supposed to be.. It's the way it is..
The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We attempted riding bikes outside yesterday afternoon but due to the heat, the party was moved indoors!  What kind of mother lets her children ride their bikes inside the house?   The answer?  This mother!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Callie Grace had her dental check up this morning.  While she received a good report, the dentist did talk about her cross bite and tooth crowding.  It looks like braces may be in her future if her permanent teeth come in this way!  Fun! Fun!

Callie Grace was excited about going to the dentist.  She says that the vanilla toothpaste is super yuck.  You should have seen her hands and feet curl up!

Where did this big 5 year old come from and what did they do with my baby girl??

Cow Appreciation Night

We headed over to our favorite hang out spot for some free dinner on Friday night.  The children dressed up like cows and looked PRECIOUS!

They LOVE the cow!! :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Reading

Callie Grace and Caleb completed their 8 hours of reading with the library this week.  They received a reading medal and got to pick out a book to take home with them.  I am very proud of them.  I love to read and I hope they will love it too!  They definitely seem to like it now.  Even my high energy Caleb likes to curl up next to his mama for storytime. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th Weekend

Callie Grace and Caleb loved having cousin Moira spend Friday night with us.  Not a single picture was taken but these kiddos had a great time!

On Saturday, Callie Grace had a playdate with her friend from school.  We met up at Chick-fil-A.  Callie Grace and Mackenzie really enjoyed spending time together.

On Sunday, we enjoyed a wonderful cookout at Pat and Joy Lynn's house!  The children had so much fun.  Joy Lynn took us on 2 golf cart rides!

Enjoying dinner!

Thank you Boozer's for a fun time!

On Monday, Kip took the children to Monkey Joe's while I cleaned.  We had a great weekend!