Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Muffins with Moms Take II

Caleb and I had a nice time together this morning.  Caleb seemed excited that this morning was just about the 2 of us.  We started off sitting beside one another but Caleb soon made his way onto my lap which I just loved.  Caleb seems to really enjoy our one on one time.  I want to make an effort to have more of this time with Caleb.  He is honestly like a different child when it is just the 2 of us.

Unfortunately, I left my camera in the soccer bag from last night's practice.  I took two pictures with my camera phone and Caleb's teacher snapped a photo of us together.  I have asked her to send me this picture so I can add it to this post.

If this picture doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!

I love this little guy!

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