Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Soccer Awards Night

Last night was the awards night for soccer.  Man, did it last FOREVER!  Caleb was literally bouncing off of the walls.  Based on the noise level in the building, I think many children were bouncing off of the walls!

We missed Luke and Ashlyn but we have their book bags for them.  Book bags were the end of the season gift.

CG in her new dress that Miss Linda gave her for graduation

I have so many pictures of Caleb in Uncles James' lap with Moira!

Moira and CG

Hailey, Caleb and Mason (we missed you Ashlyn!)

The Fever Team (we missed you Luke and Taegan!)

Caleb and CG with their enormous backpacks!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Last Day of school

I was able to take a few hours off of work on Friday to be at the babies school for their last day.  Callie Grace has attended HABC since she was 18 months old.  Caleb started when he was 24 months old but he went to summertime fun a few months before that.  To say we are close with the teachers there and hold them in high regard is really an understatement.  So, here are some pictures of the last day of school...

Callie Grace and Maddox

Corbin and Callie Grace

Callie Grace and Henry

Logan and Callie Grace

Hayden and Callie Grace

Caleb and Lila

Callie Grace and Lillie (her best little friend since the 3's class)

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Graduate and her brother

Kip and I were extremely pleased with how Caleb behaved in the performance last night.  He stood still, sang his music and did his hand motions.  We are so proud of him!

I made it through the first song alright and then they sang You Are My Sunshine.  My mama used to sing that song to me from birth to 21.  I lost it.  I mean ugly cry all the way.  It just hurt my heart.  They both sang their little hearts out.

You could tell that Callie Grace was very proud when she walked out in her cap and gown as was her family!  Mimi and Papa, Aunt de, Uncle James and Moira, Lori, Gerald and Aiden were all in attendance.

What a special evening!  Thank you, Jesus for giving us these precious children.  Help us to be the kind of parents you would have us be to them.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Callie Grace

Dear Callie Grace,

You graduate from preschool tonight.  You are going to wear a cap and gown, walk across the stage and receive your diploma.  This feels like such a big step.  We are SO proud of you.  You are extremely bright and kind to others.  You are very excited to start kindergarten and learn more!  You are a sponge soaking everything in life right up.

I am sure that tonight will hold tears... happy tears mixed with a little bit of sad.  It is extremely difficult for my mind to comprehend that YOU are 5!  I am honored to be your mama.

Congratulations baby girl!  I love you to the moon and back!


Caleb's End of the Year Party

Caleb's party was yesterday.  We served chicken nuggets, fruit and goldfish.  For dessert, they had snow cones.  The snow cones were a big hit!

Unfortunately, my little guy wasn't feeling the greatest.  We went to the dr. yesterday afternoon and he has bronchitis and an ear infection.  I'm praying that he will be all better soon.  We had lots of snuggle time last night.  He is normally so active that I don't get a lot of lap time from Caleb.  He only wanted me to hold him last night.  I ate up every second of it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Callie Grace and Caleb

We had a family Tangled birthday party on Saturday for Callie Grace.  We partied right after the two soccer games!
My babies and me in between games

My little Rapunzel

making plates

beautiful cake Miss Cindy made

Uncle JB and Cabugs

On Sunday, Callie Grace had her music performance.  She did wonderful!

 What a crazy weekend!  We had a ball!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Callie Grace and Caleb's littlest cousin turned 1 on May 5th.  We went to his party last Saturday.  Andrew is such a pretty child.  I love taking pictures of him.  His mom and dad had a very special party for him!

Prince Andrew

The cousins - Benjamin, Caleb, Moira, Andrew, Joshua and Callie Grace

Andrew LOVED his teddy bear cake!

Benjamin can really hit and catch a ball.

Look how tall Joshua is - he is only 6!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bike Day for Callie Grace

Callie Grace and her class had a great time today!  They really enjoyed riding their bikes.  It was raining on my way to her school so I thought it may be cancelled.  I am very thankful for the rain delay!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

You Don't Say...

Callie Grace was 5 yesterday!!!

Callie Grace had a very special day.  She told everyone at church that it was her birthday.  We then went to Mimi's house for lunch and cake.  She got to open many presents yesterday even though her party isn't until this coming Saturday.  Thank you to everyone who called to wish my girl a happy day.

Happy whole hand Callie Grace!  We love you to the moon and back!

Mama, Daddy and Caleb

Uncle JB is under all of the children!

Callie Grace had her school party today.  The children seemed to enjoy the cupcakes and the other little snacks.  I enjoyed being there for a little bit today!

Mrs. Joyce, Callie Grace and Mrs. Cheyenne