Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Frosty the Snowman

We had some very excited children on Sunday morning.  To say they loved the snow is the understatement of the year!

The little girl who loves to pose for a picture!

Frosty the snowman!
Callie Grace got Kip with a BIG snowball!

Caleb was eating the snow!

Once they were frozen, they came in to warm up and watch a movie!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Day.  Caleb asked if Crosson was at Jesus' birthday party.  I told him that he definitely was at his party!

Santa was good to Callie Grace and Caleb...
CG's stash
Caleb's stash

Daddy and Caleb putting Criss Cross Crash together

We enjoyed seeing all of Callie Grace and Caleb's cousins on Christmas Day.  We had Uncle James and Moira over for breakfast.  Then, we went to Aunt Trudy's for lunch.  Lastly, we went to Aunt de's for dinner.  Each visit was special.  The children were loved on so much.  I am extremely thankful for our families.

Christmas Eve

We went to Miss Cindy's house for breakfast and to open presents.  Callie Grace and Caleb were so excited!  They loved everything but CG especially loved her doll with the rocking horse and her camera.  Aunt Mandy and Uncle JB gave her a Pinkalicious dress to wear.  She wore it for 2 days straight!:)  Caleb loved the Alphie robot and Weeble Wobbles.

CG's camera

CG with her dad and new baby

Pinkalicious girl

We also went to visit Kip's dad and stepmom.  I took absolutely no pictures but we had a fun time!

Christmas Eve night, the babies sang 2 songs at church.  Precious.

My sweet babies

And one more time!

After the church service, our friends Lori and Gerald came over for dinner and more presents.  The children love spending time with them!

Gerald, Callie Grace, Caleb and Lori
We had a very special Christmas Eve filled with lasting memories.  The babies helped me make cookies and sit them out for Santa.  They were so excited that it was difficult to go to sleep but they finally did it!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Let's Get Together

My friend Christmas get together was last Tuesday night.  These are friends that I have had since middle school/high school.  These friends know the good, the bad and the ugly.  And, I know the same about them!  These friends are married and have babies.  Yet, when we get together, I still see them as teenagers.

Many of these friends stood by me as I buried my mama, married Kip, buried my child and birthed 2 more.  You know what?  It doesn't get much better than that.  Words do not adequately describe my love for them.

Cheers to each of you.  I wish you happiness and peace in the coming year.


Jamie, Amanda and baby Samantha

Shannon and Tiffany
Sommer and Rileigh

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Nativity that wasn't

Well, I goofed up.  Callie Grace and Caleb's school was having a live nativity last night from 6pm-7pm.  I thought it was like the live nativity at the church near our home.  When we visited that nativity, you could just walk up and see the animals, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.  Apparently at their church school, it is a program that begins at 6pm.  We arrived at 6:30pm and Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus were walking away (baby Jesus wasn't walking :)) from the nativity and all of the crowd was walking away as well.  Callie Grace (I had no clue that she was thinking this) said, "I need to hurry and get my costume on".  Poor thing thought she was going to be in it!  Once I realized what had happened, I explained to them that we missed it.  Callie Grace cried big crocodile tears but Caleb was fine.  Daddy came to our rescue and suggested that we go look at Christmas lights.  That cheered everyone up.  I guess you live and you learn.

I did get a cute picture of my babies at the nativity that wasn't... 

This picture was before the meltdown of 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Nutcracker

Miss Cindy, Callie Grace and I went to see the Nutcracker at the Koger Center yesterday.  We had a wonderful time.  Just a few minutes after the ballet started, Callie Grace turned to me and said "I love this"!  At intermission, I got CG a Clara nutcracker.  My mother used to take me to the nutcracker when I was little.  I know she was pleased that Callie Grace got to go yesterday.  I hope this tradition will continue for many years to come!  As we were leaving the Koger Center many of the dancers were signing autographs.  Callie Grace loved going up to some of them and hugging them.

My camera was NOT cooperating with me yesterday.  Most of the pictures are too blurry to even make out. 

CG as we were entering the Koger Center
CG hugging one of the dancers

Friday, December 17, 2010

Party for Jesus

Callie Grace's class had a party for Jesus yesterday.  Miss Cindy made the cake.  It was so yummy!

The children really seemed to enjoy themselves.  They had so much energy.

The realization hit me that in a few short months, this group will be graduating for HABC and entering kindergarten.  I am not ready for this.  It just makes my heart hurt.

I love this girl so very much.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Caleb's Christmas Party

We had a lot of fun at Caleb's school party.  The menu consisted of pigs in a blanket (Caleb thought this was hilarious!), cookies, fruit, cheese cubes and chex mix.  The children were incredibly quiet while they ate.  I think they enjoyed the food a lot! :)  Two other mothers were at the party also.  They both told me that their daughters talk about Caleb all the time.  Apparently Caleb is a little ladies man.  I hope this doesn't get us in trouble in the years to come!!
Caleb and one of his best buds

My ladies man

Dinner with Moira

We had a fun night at Zesto with Moira and Uncle James.  Callie Grace and Caleb ADORE Moira.  Caleb says that Moira is his favorite girl.

I think Moira loves them a little bit too!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday night

Well, we were supposed to go to the library last night to see a little play.  That didn't happen.  It was so cold and I was so tired!  Callie Grace was on the crabby side and spoke to me in an ugly way so that was the determining factor on us staying at home.  After some time of reflection for Callie Grace, our night was just fine.  I fixed (okay we warmed up) dinner.  Then we play some before bath time.  Bedtime came early last night.  I sure was thankful for that!

Callie Grace with her princess crown on and her brother (who is never far from her side).
She wanted a picture by herself with her care bears.

Monday, December 13, 2010


We had a fun weekend with the babies.  Friday night, we went to the church close to our home to see their live nativity.  It was beautiful!

Callie Grace hugged Mary right after I took this picture.
Caleb liked the donkey.

They both liked llama llama red pajama.

Miss Cindy made Christmas pajamas for them.  So, after we went and looked at Christmas lights I decided to take a few pictures of them.  I am no expert photographer but I was pleased with how they turned out.

LOVE Caleb's facial expression!

On Saturday, we went to Winnsboro to ride the train with Santa.  It was cold as there was no heat on the train but the kids had fun!

Caleb and Bejamin wanted nothing to do with the picture.

Caleb and Santa - Caleb told him that he wanted Criss Cross Crash for Christmas!

Caleb with his train hat and Santa.  Joshua sure looks excited to talk to Santa!

Joshua and Santa

Callie Grace telling Santa that she wants a unicorn pillow pet for Christmas.

Callie Grace asked him what his favorite cookie was.  Santa reported that he likes macadamia nut cookies and chocolate chip cookies.

On Sunday, we went to church.  Sunday night, Callie Grace's music group sang 1 song in the adult choir Christmas performance.  They did a great job!

We have a busy week planned but it sure is fun making these memories with our sweet babies!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas musical at school

Callie Grace and Caleb had their Christmas performance last night.  They both did very well!  Caleb dressed in all black and CG dressed in all white.  Caleb was a star.  They had to yellow stars to go over his outfit.  Callie Grace was a sheep.  They had little ears for them to wear.  My pictures aren't the greatest but we do have a video of their performance. 

After they sang, we went to Zesto's for dinner with Mimi and Papa and Lori and Gerald.  We all had a nice time.

Do you see my sweet star?

side view of my shining star

Can you spot my cute sheep?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trimming the tree

We decorated our tree last night finally!  Callie Grace and Caleb decorated their tree also.  We had so much fun! 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a fun Christmas filled weekend.  We got our tree on Saturday.  Callie Grace had Christmas musical practice on Saturday also.  She had 2 performances on Sunday and we went to the parade Sunday night.  Caleb has developed a yucky cough so he wasn't able to go to the parade.  It was so cold that Callie Grace wanted to leave BEFORE we saw Santa.  I was shocked!  As we were walking towards the parade, there was a man in his 30's or 40's walking beside us.  He looked at CG and said I can't wait to see Sata Claus!  Callie Grace just laughed and laughed and said, "well, you will have to wait until the end of the parade".
Hamming it up for the camera

Love him
On Saturday before we went to get our tree

She posed all by herself.  Lord, have mercy!

On Sunday right before the performance with Moira!