Friday, September 28, 2018

Caleb Fall Ball

Caleb had his first Ozone baseball game this past Tuesday night. Caleb got to pitch for 2 innings which he loved! Man, it makes me a nervous wreck. I love watching my boy do something he loves!

Monday, August 20, 2018

August 20th - First Day of School

Callie Grace, you are in 7th grade now.  You are an amazingly bright and competitive girl.  Your heart is so big.  I pray you will always hold Jesus close.  He will never leave you.

You have started playing tennis for BC.  You are learning a lot.  Your fierce determination makes me so amazingly proud.  It is terribly hot and y'all practice a ton and you NEVER complain. NEVER!

When I was young I took one lesson in tennis and I left early that day.  It was hot and I wasn't having it.

I am praying for a wonderful year for you.  Always remember to be kind to everyone because we do not know their back story.  Life can hard and middle school can be hard so treat everyone with kindness.

Caleb, you are a 5th grader now.  I mean, honestly?  How in the world is my baby a 5th grader?  It's your last 1st day of elementary school.  You have a male teacher this year which I think is going to be great.  Keep shining your bright light, Caleb Burgess.  Keep being a great friend to everyone and continue to do your very best in school.  I love you my precious boy.

I am praying for an amazing year for you.  You are growing by leaps and bounds. I am having a hard time keeping up but I am going to hang on tight because I don't want to miss a second of it.

Dear Jesus - please put a hedge of protection around my babies.  Help them know that you will never leave them.  Amen

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer 2018

Callie Grace turned 12 in May and Caleb will be 11 next month.  They both got their class assignments this week.  Caleb will finish his last year in elementary school (5th) and CG will be in 7th grade.  How in the world do I have these grown looking children?!  Almost my height, long legs, long feet and somewhat sassy mouths (which I can do without!),

Each day, I want to hold them a little tighter and spend a few more minutes listening to whatever they want to say.  These 12 years have passed in a blink.  I know they will be driving, graduating and going to college before I know it.  I'm so proud of them.  I love that they love Jesus and their friends and their family.

This summer has been a bit of a transition for my children.  We are changing and growing as people, parents included.  It has been a hard yet really meaningful process that we will never ever forget.

I love you so much Callie Grace and Caleb.  I thank Jesus everyday for blessing your daddy and I with the most wonderful, most special blessings that we could ever receive.