Sunday, February 19, 2017

Celebrating Mama Helen

Today we celebrated Kip's grandmother's 89th birthday. Mama Helen's mind has left her. Very few words come out of her mouth, yet her presence is a strong constant. I remember the very first time that I met Mama Helen. I liked her instantly. She made the best cabbage I had ever eaten. She loved Kip Burgess and Kip Burgess adored his Mama Helen. He would joke around and give her a hard time but there was never any question that they loved one another. All of my grandparents had been in heaven for many years when Mama Helen came into my life. And, although she wasn't my grandmother by blood, she became my grandmother in all the ways that really counted.
So, today I held Mama Helen's hand and looked into her kind eyes and told her that I love her. I'll always love that precious lady and hold close to my heart the times that we shared. Thank you for showing me what love and commitment really look like, even when it is the last thing you feel like doing because family matters.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Overnight Trip

We left for The Biltmore in Asheville this morning. We spent most of our day touring this beautiful estate. This was our first visit but hopefully not our last. Callie Grace mentioned that this was the first overnight trip that just the four of us have been on. We are spending the night and heading back home in the morning. I am so thankful for this much needed get away. I have loved seeing Callie Grace and Caleb truly laugh from their bellies. These are the moments that I will always hold close to my heart.