Friday, August 12, 2016

Roller Skating with Girl Scouts

Last night, our family went roller skating as a kick off to Girl Scouts. In addition to Caleb, there were maybe 2 other boys there.  Caleb loved those odds and commented several times about the "good looking ladies".  Oh dear, this boy is going to be the death of me!!

The babes were excited that their daddy joined us!

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Callie Grace loves taking pictures of herself on my phone.  Lately, she has started adding her own creativity when poising and choosing black and white, color or sepia.  This morning, while looking on my phone, I saw some of the pics that she had taken last night.  Oh my goodness, she is beautiful. As her mother, I know that her beauty is much more than skin deep.  Callie Grace is kind and loves Jesus.  She is extremely bright and often challenges me to look at life differently. I love this girl so much.  Callie Grace, you are my beautiful blessing.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Future President

Callie Grace often talks about wanting to be the President of the United States.  The second she saw this shirt at Target, it was a must have!  She said she wants her teacher to know on the very first day that she is ready to tackle the 5th grade.

I often tell my little people to reach for the stars.  Working hard and persistence are two character traits that will take you far in life.  I know that my children will want to be many things as they grow and learn. I love the front row seat that I have as their mama.

Monday, August 1, 2016

My son

Dear Caleb,

You had such a fun weekend.  You, Uncle James and Moira went to Atlanta to visit the aquarium and Six Flags.  I have loved hearing you talk about the different rides you rode and all the things you saw at the aquarium.  You said you also saw a proposal.  When I asked you if she said yes, you said. "I don't know".  You are my typical boy.

You were one worn out buddy when I picked you up on Saturday night.  I love how you reached for my hand as we were walking to the car.  You still love giving me hugs and kisses and telling me how much you love me.  I know those days are fleeting so maybe that is why I am holding on to this incredibly precious time that we have together.

I love you, my beautiful boy.  Keep that sunshine and laughter in your eyes and on your face.

All my love,