Friday, May 6, 2016

Thoughts to my 10 year old daughter

May 6, 2016

Dearest Callie Grace,

Somehow, you will be ten years old in 2 days.  My beautiful blessing will be 10.  Your kind and loving spirit brings me more joy than you can ever imagine.  Your intellect is something to be admired.  Every night, I thank Jesus for your life.  I pray that you will share with others your love for Jesus.  It is very difficult to put into words what you mean to me.  I am your biggest cheerleader.
As you are rounding this curve to becoming 10 years old, there are a few things I want you to know…
1.      Keep Jesus as #1 in your life.  Pray for Godly friends and also pray for your future husband.
2.      It is not your job to keep the people you love happy.  Not me, not Daddy, not Caleb nor your friends.
3.      You should never be afraid to share your passions. Anyone who teases you for what you love to do is not a true friend.
4.      It is okay to disagree with me and others.  You are old enough to have a point of view and I want to hear it.  Your perspective is both valid and valuable.
5.      You are so very beautiful.  Your face now holds the baby you were and the young woman you are quickly becoming.
6.      Reading is very important. I am so pleased to see that you share in the love of reading.  Getting lost in a book is the best possible thing to do.
7.      You are not me.  We are very alike but you are your own person, completely and fully. I am going to be here for you, no matter what.  The red string that ties us together will stretch.  I know it will. And once the transition is accomplished there will be a new, even better closeness.  I know that too.
8.      It is almost never about you.  What I mean is that when people act in a way that hurts or makes you feel insecure, it is almost certainly about something happening inside of them, and not about you.  Believe me, I know how feelings can slice your heart, even if your head knows otherwise. But maybe, just maybe it will help you to remember that we don’t always know the path that others are walking so be gentle with them.
9.      There is no single person who can be your everything.  People, including me will let you down.  Always lean on Jesus to help guide you.
10.   I am trying my best.  I know I am not good enough and not the mother you deserve.  I can be impatient and raise my voice. I am sorry.  I love you and your brothers more than anyone else in the entire world.  I wish I could be better for you.  I’ll admit, I don’t always love your behavior, and I am quick to tell you that. But every single day, I love you with every fiber of my being. No matter what.
Callie Grace, always remember that I love you more today than yesterday but less than I will tomorrow.

Happy, Happy Birthday, my 10 year old girl! xoxoMama

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