Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend in Review

Caleb had a wrestling tournament on Saturday.  He pinned the first guy in 30 seconds flat.  The second guy was a bit more of a challenge.  We are still working on being a good loser.  Let's just say that we haven't mastered that skill AT ALL.  Caleb does not want anyone looking at him or speaking to him if he loses.  Caleb, when you are older and may be reading this crazy blog of your mama's, I pray that this area will have improved in your life! :)

We enjoyed church on Sunday and on Sunday night, Grease Live came on tv.  Callie Grace and her dad enjoyed dancing around our den after bath time!

We have a full week with school and extracurricular activities.   I think there are several tests this week also!  These babies sure keep us busy!

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