Tuesday, January 26, 2016

All E's and All A's

I am very proud of both Caleb and Callie Grace.  They made all E's/A's for the 9 weeks.  They have both tried their best.  Caleb has worked on his reading and writing (writing is still a work in progress).  Callie Grace has so many tests on Mondays, papers and presentations.  Her science tests are generally 4-5 questions so if she misses just one, the grade can be rather low.

Lots of prayer and hard work has gone into this 9 weeks.  Even if they hadn't gotten all E's/A's, I would have been proud because I know that they put the time in to their schoolwork.

The greatest part of it all is that they are proud of themselves!  Yay, Callie Grace and Caleb!!

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