Friday, July 31, 2015

God Sighting

We always pray before each meal and at night before we go to sleep.  The children know that they can pray at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

This morning was a first for me with my children.  We were busy getting ready for our day and I happened to glance over at Caleb.  He had gotten dressed and brushed his teeth.  He was sitting on the ottoman in the den.  His eyes were half closed and his mouth was moving but making no sound.  I walked over and asked him what was wrong.  He said, "Mom, I'm praying and you interrupted me".  My heart truly swelled with thanksgiving.  It was such a full circle moment to me.

Lord, Caleb and Callie Grace are your children.  Please help Kip and I raise them up loving and worshiping You.  Amen

Last night of VBS 2015

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