Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Memory in the Making

Yesterday marked a milestone in Callie Grace's life.  She had her ears pierced.  I know many families say that their girls have to reach a certain age before this can occur.  I have never had a strong opinion on this matter.  I always felt like we would have them pierced when CG asked for it to be done.  Well, she has been asking for several weeks now.  My sister and I took her to the boutique yesterday.  I must admit, I thought she may be a little scared and may cry after the first ear was pierced.  I was totally wrong.  She was such a big girl and handled it very well.  I did take a few pictures for memories sake...

Confirming her earring choice - she checked out the choices on the computer for DAYS leading up to Saturday

This is an excited face!

Aunt de offering encouragement

The second ear being pierced

TA DA!  Look at my grown girl!

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