Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacation Bible School

Callie Grace and Caleb started bible school on Monday at Mimi's church.  They have had a wonderful time and have already learned so much!  I wanted to take a few pictures of them yesterday afternoon.  They aren't the best of pictures but they make me happy - especially the one of Caleb by himself. 


One of Caleb's favorite foods is strawberries.  He has really enjoyed some delicious ones these past few weeks.

 One of Callie Grace's favorite things to do is read.  She has been a reading machine this summer.  Thank goodness for the library! :)

I love seeing their personalities shine through.  They couldn't be more different, that is for sure.  I love them so much!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Memory in the Making

Yesterday marked a milestone in Callie Grace's life.  She had her ears pierced.  I know many families say that their girls have to reach a certain age before this can occur.  I have never had a strong opinion on this matter.  I always felt like we would have them pierced when CG asked for it to be done.  Well, she has been asking for several weeks now.  My sister and I took her to the boutique yesterday.  I must admit, I thought she may be a little scared and may cry after the first ear was pierced.  I was totally wrong.  She was such a big girl and handled it very well.  I did take a few pictures for memories sake...

Confirming her earring choice - she checked out the choices on the computer for DAYS leading up to Saturday

This is an excited face!

Aunt de offering encouragement

The second ear being pierced

TA DA!  Look at my grown girl!

Friday, June 22, 2012


I took the children bowling this afternoon/evening.  They had a wonderful time.  I am really proud of them.  They used their best manners and cheered for each other.  Callie Grace is generally highly competitive but she also just had fun.  I enjoyed taking a few pictures of them in action.  They also had dinner at the bowling alley - a first for us!  Callie Grace has bowled a few times but this was Caleb's first official experience.  He went once before but after rolling the ball down the lane just once, he was finished.  They played two entire games today.  They thanked me for taking them and gave me hugs while we were there.  It sure did this mama's heart good! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thought for the day

I have loved reading my fairly new devotion book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  The devotions hit home EVERY day.  I love that they are short and to the point.  Today really touched me and I wanted to share…

Wait patiently with Me while I bless you.  Don’t rush into My Presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind.  I dwell in timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be.  For you, time is a protection; you’re a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments of life.  Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind.  Learn to master time, or it will be your master.
               Though you are a time-bound creature, seek to meet Me in timelessness.  As you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and tasks will diminish.  I will bless you and keep you, making My Face shine upon you graciously, giving you Peace.
Micah 7:7; Revelation 1:8; Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Family Night at Mama Helen's

Miss Cindy told us that a magician was going to be at Mama Helen's family night last night.  This was Callie Grace's 5th time seeing this magician and Caleb's 2nd time.  Callie Grace got to be his assistant.  He asked Caleb to be an assistant but Caleb was feeling a little shy.  My pictures turned out pretty dark but I wanted to post them anyway.

Callie Grace had a ball being the magician's helper!

Summer Vacation 2012

We really enjoyed our summer vacation.  Callie Grace and Joshua were able to attend Kids Club Monday-Friday morning.  They learned many bible stories and songs.  They also made some new friendships! 

We also played on the beach, fed the animals, played putt-putt, took rides in the golf cart, went on a hayride, went fishing,  tie-dyed shirts, played in the arcade and took some great naps!

Here are a few pictures of our memorable week...

feeding the billy goats

one of the many beautiful swans

Aunt de and the gang

Caleb caught a red fish
CGB playing putt-putt

fun times on the boogie boards

fun in the sun

waiting in line to have their shirts tie-dyed

Caleb was sad most of the way home from the beach.  He wants us to live there!  Lots of sweet memories were made.  I am so thankful that we have this week in our memory banks!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Day of Kindergarten

It's Official!  Callie Grace has completed her last day of school.  I guess this makes her a rising 1st grader.  I haven't cried at all today.  I am just happy and proud of all she has accomplished this year.  I know Callie Grace is sad.  She loves her teachers and her friends so much.  Mrs. Brant and Mrs. King are just the best teachers.  They have given her such a solid foundation and an incredible love for reading.

Callie Grace's first day of school

Callie Grace's last day of school - she has really grown!

Today was water fun day.  I took my lunch hour at 9am so I could go and snap a few pictures!

Ending thoughts... fun was had by all!!