Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My handsome guy

I love this picture of Caleb.  He actually let me take it tonight after bath time.  I think his little personality shines through in this picture...

This picture is for Aunt de in the dress you got CG for her birthday.  She wore it to church on Sunday and looked precious!!

Callie Grace has two half days of school left.  Kindergarten has FLOWN by.  I really am looking forward to summer.  We are going to the beach and to the pool.  We have already signed up for Summer Reading at the library.  It is my prayer that the children have a wonderful summer making lasting memories. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

I Am A Promise

Caleb had his end of the year program last night.  He did so well.  He sang his little heart out.  Caleb is still quite the handful but I saw something in him last night up on that stage.  He is growing up.  God is still working on him (thank goodness He is still working on me too) but he is becoming the boy that He wants him to be.  Caleb is learning bible stories and memorizing scripture.  He is being thoughtful of others.  WOW!  When did this happen?  Sometimes I get so caught up in the day to day that I don't step back and see how far we've come!  Thank you, Jesus for this precious boy.  I have learned so much through him.  I never imagined myself as the mother of a boy but I sure am thankful that God has given me this opportunity.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Last pic as a 5 year old

I took this picture right after bathtime tonight.  It is the last picture of Callie Grace as a 5 year old.  Tomorrow morning, she will be 6!  How in the world has it been 6 years since our lives welcomed in such an unbelievable blessing?  Callie Grace and Caleb are loved so much.  There are no words to explain what they mean to us.

Each others memory keepers

Here's to many more memories being made!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daddy/Daughter time

Callie Grace has gotten very close to her daddy lately.  She had a gift card to Build-A-Bear and wanted her daddy to take her.  I think they had a really fun time together and I know they made a special memory.  Here is Daddy, Callie Grace and Betsy Bunny...

Betsy Bunny is a cutie!