Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Moira!

My sweet niece turned 8 yesterday and we celebrated today.  Callie Grace and Caleb were so excited to get to go to her party.

We had a fun time celebrating Moira turning another year older.  We love you, Moira!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My DS loving boy

He loves playing this thing!  He didn't even know that I was in the room until he heard the click of my camera. 

This face is saying what is that noise and what are you doing?!?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Meredith's birthday

Callie Grace and I headed down to Hawkinsville to help celebrate Meredith turning 5 years old.  Meredith had a tea party at an absolutely precious place.  The girls got to dress up and have tea and snacks.  They loved it!  It was right up my girl's alley!

The girls took a good nap after the party and then we headed to Macon to visit Build A Bear.  Meredith got a precious confetti bear that sings Happy Birthday and CG got a sweet tabby cat that she named Sallie!

The girls got along so well and we really enjoyed our trip.  It felt like a full circle moment for me.  I have known and been close to Christy my entire life.  There is nothing that she doesn't know about me (and she still loves me).  I know our girls friendship will be different because of the distance but I hope they will still be close.  We are helping make some lasting memories in their little minds and hearts!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Mimi got him this neat Cars blow up thing with balls in it for Valentine's.  He absolutely loves it.  He insisted sleeping in it tonight.  We'll see if he makes it the whole night.  I had to document this...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My sweet little Valentine

I was able to go and spend some time with Caleb today during his Valentine party.  He had a lot of fun making a craft and enjoying the snacks.  He cleaned his entire plate!  Caleb and I made mini cupcakes for his party.  All of the children seemed to enjoy them!

Look at my handsome boy listening to a story...

 And here he is showing off his craft!

Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet, handsome boy.  I will always be the first girl who fell in love with you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I found this quote sometime last week and have really thought about it each day since.  I thought I would share it...

"Love the people God gave you because He will need them back one day."   Keeter

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Challenge

Caleb decided to be a bit of a challenge last night.  He shed some tears and was super cranky.  Once he and I were able to snuggle a little bit and read some of his favorite books, he was back to being a sweet boy.  This parenting thing is the most challenging role that I have ever taken on.  The rewards are out of this world but man is it tough!

Here he is being a sweetie pie before bed...

Lord, help me to be the kind of parent that Caleb needs me to be.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Fun

We had a nice weekend and got to spend alot of time outside.  Callie Grace's teacher came to see her cheer on Saturday morning.  CG was just beside herself with excitement.  We went bowling as a family for the first time.  Caleb was not the biggest fan of bowling.  He was mad that he couldn't knock all of the pins down.  I am starting to think that Caleb may be more of a perfectionist than I had originally thought.  They both loved playing at the park.  Callie Grace rode her bike forever and Caleb rode his scooter forever.

this turkey would not let me take his picture...

he finally gave in!

She LOVED bowling.

This was taken right before the breakdown of 2012.

Friday, February 3, 2012

100th Day of School

 Callie Grace had fun on her 100th day of school!  She made her necklace that she loves!

This little guy loves jumping on this bouncy thing.  He is either on this bouncy ball or on his scooter all the time.  He is a bundle of energy!