Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Both of our children said that all of their holiday wishes had come true.  It sure warmed my heart to hear those words.  Christmas came very close to not being an ideal situation this year.  Through lots of prayers and some STRONG medication after a brief emergency room visit, we celebrated Jesus' birthday and had a special day in the process.

Here are a few pictures to help remember these past few days...

CG got these little dress up glasses.

singing at church on Christmas Eve - her brother looked so handsome this night but would not cooperate for a picture

This is what Caleb thinks about pictures...

This little guy was super happy Christmas morning!

SO SO EXCITED - she screamed!

Mimi made a beautiful birthday cake for Jesus.  Caleb sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus,  Happy Birthday, Jesus.  Hallelujah, Christ is born!"  Then we all sang the traditional happy birthday song.  Caleb really does have a good little singing voice.

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