Thursday, December 29, 2011


My brother sent me this picture of Moira and Caleb while making dinner at his house.  These two love each other so much.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Handsome Guy

I could just eat him up...

This is his daily ritual - zipping through the house on his scooter.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Both of our children said that all of their holiday wishes had come true.  It sure warmed my heart to hear those words.  Christmas came very close to not being an ideal situation this year.  Through lots of prayers and some STRONG medication after a brief emergency room visit, we celebrated Jesus' birthday and had a special day in the process.

Here are a few pictures to help remember these past few days...

CG got these little dress up glasses.

singing at church on Christmas Eve - her brother looked so handsome this night but would not cooperate for a picture

This is what Caleb thinks about pictures...

This little guy was super happy Christmas morning!

SO SO EXCITED - she screamed!

Mimi made a beautiful birthday cake for Jesus.  Caleb sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus,  Happy Birthday, Jesus.  Hallelujah, Christ is born!"  Then we all sang the traditional happy birthday song.  Caleb really does have a good little singing voice.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sights of the Season

I am very behind on recording our family's Christmas season memories.  Here are a few pictures that I have snapped over the past few weeks that simply make me smile.

new Christmas mug

gingerbread house


birthday cake for Jesus at Caleb's school

children singing happy birthday to Jesus

lights at the zoo


Jackson and CG

Christmas celebration at Aunt de's

Kip and our nephew, Andrew (I love the expressions on their faces!)

The Nutcracker

On Sunday afternoon, Mimi, Aunt Mandy, Callie Grace and I went to see the Nutcracker.  We had a really nice time together.  Callie Grace kept saying something about it just being the girls.  This is the second year that we have been to see the Nutcracker.  I am so thankful for these special memories.  I always feel my mother's presence when we go as she started this tradition with me when I was a young girl.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Main Street Live - Christmas Performance

After many months of weekly practices, the big night finally arrived.

This girl was ready to perform...

and perform she did!

We may be a little partial but I don't think they could have picked a sweeter Mary...

Thank you, Jesus for this precious baby girl.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chick A Lay

Last Tuesday night, the four of us went to Chick-fil-A or Chick A Lay as Caleb says for Carolina/Clemson night.  Children who dressed up in their teams colors, received a free meal.  They had face painting, balloons and a jumpy castle.  Of course, the cow made an appearance.  Callie Grace and Caleb LOVE the cow.  Caleb went back for lots of hugs! ;)

Caleb had 2 fish painted on his face.  CG had 2 flowers painted on hers.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Look what Mimi got Callie Grace and Caleb yesterday...
They love them.  I think they look pretty precious myself. ;)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Trimming the tree

We ventured out late Friday afternoon to get a Christmas tree.  This tired mama (from all night shopping!) sure wanted to wait until Saturday but 3 other people in our home wanted to go right then!  So, I threw gently placed some Christmas shirts on my duo, snapped a picture and we were out the door.

And here they are decorating...  They were singing Christmas carols and being so sweet.  It really was a fun time.  Kip went and picked up a pizza while we finished up decorating.

Giving Thanks

We really enjoyed Thanksgiving.  It was filled with family and yummy food!  Here is a sweet picture of my two turkeys that I am thankful for beyond measure...

They loved the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

It is so hard to get everyone to look at the camera! :) Moira - age 7, Joshua, age 6, Callie Grace - age 5, Caleb - age 4, and Benjamin - age 3.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Caleb's Thanksgiving Party

I was able to go and share in Caleb's Thanksgiving feast yesterday.  He has been sick for the past few days but was well enough to go to school.  The children sang the cutest song to the parents/grandparents, prayed and then dug in!

My Spiderman pilgrim!

Caleb and Rileigh

Look at their nice table!

Caleb was starving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Go Gamecocks!

Callie Grace went to her first ever USC football on Saturday with her daddy.  She had "the best day ever" in her words.  At the game she was screaming for the gamecocks and doing a little dance.  She told me "a man she never met gave her a high five and said good job".  She was so excited when she woke up this morning.  Apparently, every Monday her teacher asks the class what was one special thing they did for the weekend.  Callie Grace couldn't wait to share that she went to the game with her daddy.  I think this is definitely an event that she will always remember.

Caleb and I went by for a few minutes!

so happy

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fun times

We had a lot of fun at Monkey Joe's.  Callie Grace really enjoyed playing with her special friend, Jackson.  It was really hot in Monkey Joe's!

Last night, we went to a celebration dinner for Callie Grace.  She got the Good Citizen award for her class for the month!  We are very proud of Callie Grace.  I always remember what my mama put in my senior annual - "Character is property, it is the noblest of possessions."  Callie Grace and Caleb may not be the smartest children in the bunch but if they have strong character, they will go far in life!

my silly children after dinner last night!