Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Caleb's Halloween Party at HABC

Caleb had his school Halloween party today.  He dressed up as Woody.  Miss Cindy made his adorable costume.  There is another Caleb in his class and guess what he dressed up as - WOODY!  I had to take their picture together.  The party was a lot of fun and Caleb seemed excited that I was there to participate.

My cutie pie Caleb

The 2 Caleb's

Callie Grace's party is on Friday.  I am going to be able to attend her party as well.  She is going to be Little Bo Peep.  She loves to say, "I've lost my sheep and don't know where to find them!" 

Our church Halloween party is tonight and the party at Mama Helen's nursing home is tomorrow night.  We also have my sister's Halloween party on Saturday night so we are going to be busy!

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